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7 Summary of Modules/Areas and Topics

In the sections that follow, the various modules/areas and topics are presented. There is one section per module/area. For each module/area, a table listing the various topics in that module/area is provided. The ID for a module/area is linked to the detailed coverage of that module/area that comes later in the document. In the table, a checkmark indicates that learning outcomes exist for the specific proficiency level. A dash indicates that no learning outcomes exist for the specific proficiency level (simply because there are not any, not because the information is missing). In the case that the information for a knowledge unit is completely missing, a “❌” symbol is used.

[NOTE: These topics are taken mostly from the SG20 GitHub repository. They are not intended to be complete in any sense. In fact, by gathering together all topics in one place where they are easily viewed, it is hoped that missing and unbalanced items will be more obvious.]

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